GPR for Transportation and Infrastructure
From years of experience with road and infrastructure investigations,
MALÅ Geoscience is well prepared to offer a cost-effective GPR solution for the aging infrastructure problems that many of the cities worldwide are facing. Condition assessment is a growing field with GPR. Bridge decks, parking decks, and other structures may be scanned to nondestructively evaluate the amount of deterioration of these structures.
Areas of degraded or compromised concrete from corroded rebar and delimitation are detectable with GPR as are areas of low propagation velocity, due to the higher dielectric properties from infiltrated water and chlorides. Introducing the MALÅ RoadCart system, that provides a new breakthrough in GPR infrastructure technology for evaluating pavement, base and sub-base thicknesses. It is an extremely portable, user-friendly and cost-effective ground coupled platform that provides unmatched performance. Application includes:
The platform of the MALÅ RoadCart system is built on the MALÅ ProEx control unit, which allows the user to utilize multiple antennas with varying frequencies, all at the same time and all capable of data collection at highway speeds. The typical setup for the RoadCart system is a two-antenna configuration that includes a 2.3 GHz antenna for pavement evaluations and an 800 MHz antenna for relatively deeper base and sub-base evaluations. However, the MALÅ RoadCart can accommodate frequencies as low as 250 MHz to allow the user to use the system for deeper geotechnical investigations.As many of the projects in the roadways and transportation infrastructure area involve surveying of larger areas, MALÅ Geoscience is pleased to introduce also the cutting edge GPR array system, the MALÅ MIRA (MALÅ Imaging Radar Array) System. The MALÅ MIRA System has proven to match the need for many institutions and organizations worldwide in their intense work to secure areas that are more or less collapsing by the aging infrastructure.
“We have owned and operated MALA equipment since 2001, starting with the DOS based CU-I and continuing up through multi-channel ProEx. With each generation of equipment, MALA continues to improve on an already outstanding GPR platform. The durability of their equipment and their superior customer service has been a great asset to the continued growth of our company” Michael J. Wightman President GeoView, Inc. – St. Petersburg, FL USA Why infrastructure and construction professionals use MALÅ GPRRoad blocks cost money. Better to be invisible.
By its very nature, infrastructure maintenance is intrusive and results in disruption to essential services that support the economy. Little to no public appreciation is given to the operations that impede the level of service of infrastructure; however, any mitigation of this disruption is rewarded by significant reductions in economic loss. MALÅ GPR (ground penetrating radar) equipment offers a non-invasive solution that can significantly reduce incidentally costs due to traffic congestion, interruption of services, restricted access and delays, for which the financial impact often far outweighs the cost of the maintenance.