MALA MIRA COMPACT 3D GPRMALÅ 3D Imaging Radar Array (MIRA) is a high-speed, one-pass 3D GPR system and the most effective solution for large-area GPR mapping.
MIRA Compact includes our world-renowned MALÅ HDR (High Dynamic Range) real-time sampling technology providing ultra-fast measurements and razor sharp data. The solution seamlessly integrates acquisition, processing, QA/QC, positioning and interpretation of ground penetrating radar data. Application areasMALÅ MIRA Compact is designed for any 3D mapping project:
With the highest data-channel density on the market MALÅ MIRA Compact delivers unsurpassed resolution. The MALÅ MIRA Compact produces data with less noise, at higher speeds, with more functionality using improved mechanical design and modern software. The MIRA Compact is a hand-pushed, flexible and cost-effective 3D GPR solution, optimized for 3D mapping of buried objects and artefacts. UP TO 30 DATA CHANNELS
The MIRA Compact GPR array uses a 500 MHz centre frequency, The system is normally set up to collect 10 parallel data channels but the system is capable of collecting up to 30 data channels simultaneously since it allows data collection from any transmitter-receiver combination in the whole array. MIRA Compact delivers 32-bit output, producing exceptional data quality, even at high speed surveys. The 6.5 cm channel spacing allows for the collection of precise, high resolution data. MALA HDR GPR
The MALÅ MIRA Compact has been designed to take full advantage of the MALÅ HDR technology, giving you the best possible GPR data quality, resolution and bandwidth . The MALÅ HDR, real-time sampling technology produces data with significantly lower noise levels, compared to traditional GPR systems. A lower noise floor gives a wider bandwidth when compared to conventional time-interleaved systems. This removes more of the background interference, giving sharper data with higher contrast, and the ability to see deeper than non-HDR systems. |
This unit is available for rental Australia wide. RESOURCES